Stem cell study holds out promise for kidney disease
Days of clinical research empower scientists to discover novel
methods using stem cells to develop more human like tiny kidneys. This is
something, which is not so new to us as we had enough of such research based organ
development for kidney impairments earlier as well.
More the number of new methods to investigate etiologies of kidney disorders are developed, more prospective and fruitful results we can expect.
Why Stem-Cell
Based Research Is So Promising?
As far as tissue engineering is concerned, they turn out to
be a promising therapeutic approach to facilitate kidney replacement and regeneration
therapies. So, developing the method for any kidney tissues depends largely on
comprehensive insights into kidney formations, which can contribute to mimic
the process in cell culture in the lab.
With a better data through stem cell research, it is likely
to receive more precise and accurate information about the kidneys, enabling researchers
to develop a better functional kidney.
This is another feat of stem cells, which raises a
prospective result for us to avoid renal failure and its debilitating consequences.
Kidney disorder or failure is a growing concern for American adults as it
affects about 30 million citizens among them or about 15% of the total
population. The number of affected patients is higher than those of patients suffering
from breast cancer and prostate cancer combined.
Since, the mini kidney regeneration is a hope for us to
replace damaged kidney, there is another study, proving to be a prospective method
to repair damaged kidneys too.
Repair Requisites
Our kidneys are a pair of important organs to help discharge waste
products from the bodies, while filtering and cleaning our blood to detoxify it
of all the waste products. Unlike skin, kidneys have very little capacity to heal
by themselves to repair its scar or damage. On failure to exert this key function,
the damaged kidneys in the patients worsen their conditions, and pushing them
to suffer from end stage kidney disease. The condition leaves the patients with
no options except dialysis and kidney transplant.
But, a novel therapy is prospective to repair damaged kidneys
and help patients avoid these costly treatment options like dialysis and organ
Hope For
The Kidney Patients
Kidneys have some cells with the characterization of a regenerative
capacity. This fact has been brought to the light by the scientists in Italy.
These cells with transcription factors CD133 are a type of molecules, which have
a capacity to sustain renal injuries and regenerate various kidney cells.
Scientists at the University of Torino wanted to work on
these cells and wanted to gauge how these molecules worked to further the
process of tissue repair in damaged kidneys.
The Process
Of The Research
The scientists used a chemotherapy drug cisplatin, used for the
treatment of cancers. In addition, the drug is supposed to affect the functions
of kidneys too in at least one third of the patients. It was found that CD133 played
a key role in helping recover damaged kidneys in the patients, while preventing
the progenitor cells of kidneys from aging. This is important to help repair
damaged kidneys in the future.
This is helpful for the further research of kidney disease,
so that with infusions of CD133 molecules, it will be possible to help patients
with damaged kidney repair one day. Although the process is effective for the
treatment of last stage of kidney ailments, it is hopeful that the process can
help people with an early stage of disease also and remove the complications
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