How Long Does It Take To Get A Cord Blood Kit In India?
The human umbilical cord contains as much life saving stem
cells as other sources do. Provided stem cells have the potential to differentiate
and proliferate into any cell types in the body, they are a great tool for regenerative
therapies and medical advances. Since, its inception into the regenerative
therapies, it provides a promising hope to revive us from debilitating conditions
and many degenerative disorders. And umbilical cord blood being the richest
source of fresh stem cells, it has raised the trends of cord blood banking in
the recent times.
Umbilical Cord Blood Is Useful?
Umbilical cord blood is sourced from the placenta and the attached
umbilical cord, once the baby is born. If
we look deep into the medical history of the stem cells, we can soon realize
that the use of umbilical cord blood has been increased due to their capacity
to treat as many as 80 health conditions including immunodeficiency conditions,
blood disorders and even cancer. The stem cells derived from the UCB have been potentially
used for over 50,000 successful transplants across the globe. With this being
one of the key reasons for new parents, they decide to preserve their umbilical
cord blood after their baby’s birth. Well, how does the whole process of
banking take place, and how long does it take for you to get the stem cell kit
in India?
Generally, the whole process of stem cell preservation takes
place within five steps. Let us have a look at them.
Process Of
Umbilical Cord Blood Collection
First of all, you need to make a decision regarding the banking
facility with which you want to preserve your umbilical cord blood. And to do
this, all you need to do is register with the respective banking service
center, and of course much ahead of your expected date. Upon registering with the UCB banking center,
you will receive a stem cell kit. The kit is essential to be taken to the
clinic during the time of your delivery. The kit has so many essential tools
such as instrument for the collection of umbilical cord blood, a specimen of
maternal blood and tissues. You should maintain sterilization of the kit, so no
contamination can take place.
Next follows the collection process. It is not a lengthy
process, and takes just a few minutes to detach the umbilical cord from the
placenta. Rest assured, the detachment process is safe and does not interfere
with birth delivery process. Three key compounds as samples are collected from
the umbilical cord blood such as peripheral blood from the mother, blood of the
UC and tissues of the UCB.
After the collection, it reaches the laboratory within 48
hours by efficient logistic service providers. After this, a bioprocess is used
to differentiate stem cells from the blood. Another process is used to assess
its potentiality and sterility for future use.
As soon as its quality checks are done, they are processed with
cryogenic solutions to maintain its potentiality, and then preserved.
So, you can preserve your umbilical cord blood as long as you
want, and use it when you really need it. Since, the receipt of the stem cell
kit does not take too much time after the enrollment; you can rest assured to get
it within 2 days or less than that.
By deciding to preserve umbilical cord blood, you can give
your baby the most precious gift of her life. Decide to preserve umbilical cord
blood and keep your baby disease free.
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