
A mother's bond after pregnancy and birth

Why does it cause you too much trouble and panic when the thoughts of bonding with your baby appear in your mind? The sentiment inhibits almost every new mom when they are expecting their baby very soon or their babies have already touched down in this world.

Bonding means sharing a special and an emotional attachment that develops between a mother and baby. It is sometimes more than just a feeling for your baby. It develops out of your sheer nurturing sensibilities towards your baby, which wakes you up in the middle of the night on hearing just a little whimper. Sometimes you become too conscious and instinctively careful towards her.
For every new mom the bonding with their babies does not happen the same way. Some moms are crazy for their babies soon after their baby is born, while others become less expressive due to labor stresses and yet to realize that they have become mothers.

Studies have shown that nearly 20% of new moms do not express any emotions post the delivery of their babies within an hour. On the other hand, for some mothers it is whole lot different feelings, which bring out an instant outburst of their emotions as soon as their babies are delivered.
Maybe, you do not have a well-grounded bonding with your baby due to those early weeks of sleepless nights, and lack of understanding to figure out each other. This is a no serious crime and no one is going to charge you with a harsh punishment. It is a normal condition or some complicated phase of life, which is supposed to get over with time. Do not feel guilty about this, have patience; you will learn the best bonding techniques with your baby too with time.

Why Do You Bond With Your Baby?

Bonding intensifies the degree of protection you provide to your baby as well as boosts their self-esteem. New parents begin to feel a depth connection with the new addition to their family. Although bonding happens right after the baby’s delivery, the process is rooted at the early stage before birth. You feel more connected to your baby when your baby kicks you or you see those flutters on the ultrasound. So does your baby when she hears your voice in the womb. In addition to this, a groundbreaking research confirms that a strong bonding between a mother and baby is an important key to preventing the onset of different diseases, improving immunity and enhancing a child’s intelligence quotients.

When Do You Need To Bond?

It should start right after the baby is born. As per the recommendations by WHO and United Nations Children’s Fund, all healthy mothers and babies must connect through skin-to-skin care methods for at least an hour immediately after the birth of the baby. This is how a newborn should be introduced to her mother, and in between the session no other medical checkups for mother or baby should interfere.

This session is important for mothering instinct as well, which solidifies the survival aspects, both for mother and her babies. Simultaneously, this process helps mothers release endorphins – a chemical substance responsible to help mothers feel calmness and connected to their babies with a boosted responsiveness towards their child.

How Can You Overcome The Bonding Issues With Your Baby?

Bonding does not happen overnight. Don’t feel guilty and take the right steps instead. Always try to spend as much time as possible with your baby. Holding her close to your chest is another way to help her feel the transition from the womb to the exterior of the world. Keeping your baby as close as to your chest helps her feel your heartbeat and smell your scent. This contributes to the bonding process.

Give some time and if you are a caring mother, the blissful moment will soon arrive in your life.

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